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Home » [Must-read] 2023 Korea E7 Working Visa Change of Workplace Application

[Must-read] 2023 Korea E7 Working Visa Change of Workplace Application

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I couldn’t find the information on the Internet when I changed my workplace, so I will share the required documents and the required processing time with you~

Change of workplace in the same job code

If you have the same job code, you can apply for it at the Immigration Office within 14 days after start working.

I thought that I could declare in advance on the last working day of the former workplace, but I called 1345 and they said no.

They said that I could only apply after the change of workplace has been processed.

Change of workplace in different job code

If it is a different job code, you will have to reapply. You can’t go to work before the visa is approved. You have to re-examine for 1-2 months like applying for a visa from the beginning.

Can I change to F2 visa at the same time with the change of workplace?

I have called and asked before I got the E7 visa for the first time. If you meet the required score of F2 (80 points), you can apply for F2 directly with the E7 for the first time you apply for the E7 visa. If they have checked that you are not applicable for the F2 visa, they will just give you the E7 visa instead.

I thought I could change to F2 visa, as I got enough points, at the same time as applying for the workplace change declaration.

However, it is not possible to apply for conversion to F2 at the same time when applying for a change of workplace.

1345 said that only one thing can be done per appointment. You must first change your workplace before you can apply to the change of F2 visa.

And I also forgot I need to have the criminal record for the F2 visa, so anyway I need to apply separately.

Therefore, I only applied for a change of workplace declaration

Required documents for change of workplace declarations

  • Passport 여권
  • Alien Registration Card 외국인등록증
  • Application form 통합신청서
  • Foreigner occupation declaration 외국인 직업 신고서
  • Address proof 체류지 입증서류(체류기간 연장 또는 체류지 변경 신고를 같이 하는 경우 추가)
  • Application fee 60,000 won (required only during visa extension) 수수료 없음(체류기간 연장 시 6만원 추가)
  • Former workplace’s letter of release 원 근무처 장의 이적 동의서
  • Documents prepared by the new company
    • Employment contract original + copy 고용계약서 원본 및 사본
      [Annual salary, daily working hours, contract period (3 months or more), job content, etc. should be indicated]
    • Reason for employment 고용사유서
    • Certificate of employment 재직증명서
    • Business Registration Certificate 사업자등록증
    • Corporate Registration Certificate 법인등기부등본
    • Tax Certificate Record 납부내역증명(납세사실증명) 또는 회사재무제표
    • Tax Certificate 납세증명서(국세완납증명서)
    • Local tax certificate 지방세 납세증명서
    • List of Employed Insurance Insured (Company) 고용보험피보험자격 취득 내역(사업장용)

Change of workplace

May 10 (Wed):

Some of the company’s documents that I feel like might have a problem because they wrote too detailed. I was afraid that they have written something that could not be stated, so I was worried that the staff would make it difficult for me on that day

Fortunately, the staff was in a good mood that day (?), no problem,

He only asked me why I changed jobs, what kind of the company is, what kind of work I am going to do, and how many foreigners were in the company

He told me that the visa needed to be extended, so there was a 60,000 application fee

I thought I was going to pay by ATM, so I went back to get my passport

But in fact, I only need to pay cash to the officer

After paying and went back, the staff told me that there were some missing documents

He said that meal subsidy could not be part of the annual salary, so the contract had to be changed

In addition, I mistakenly thought that only those who wanted to change their address would need to submit the residence proof

so in the end, there are two documents that need to be submitted

He said I need to fax the information along with the piece of paper he gave to me to the fax number on the paper

And then he gave me back the alien registration card, and I thought he would take it away

May 12 (Fri):

I faxed the documents to the immigration office. Because the fax of the immigration office is usually busy and often fails, so I called 1345 after work to check if they received it

Unexpectedly, the staff of 1345 told me that if they did not receive it, they will contact me, and there was no need to confirm whether they received it.

If I really want to confirm, I must call before 6 o’clock

So I didn’t ask anymore lol

May 22 (Mon):

I have received a text message saying that the review has passed, I can take the alien registration card and stamp the new visa expiry date

The whole procedure was easier than expected, probably because I had worked under the same job code, and I didn’t have to look specifically to see if I was eligible to apply for E7 visa, so it ended up quickly

The next article will be about how to do volunteer activities in Korea to help add points to the F2 score table~

If you want to know more about life in Korea, you can>>Click here<<to read all about my Korean daily life or follow me on>>Instagram<<.

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